We take health and safety very seriously at Futures. From the legal bits we must do as a landlord, such as carrying out annual gas safety checks down to making sure that our customers know how to keep themselves, their home and their families safe from common dangers such as gas leaks, fire, misuse of electricity and damp and mould.

Damp and mould are serious problems that make homes unpleasant or unsafe to live in and we have robust systems in place to tackle issues of this kind. Our Board and sub-committees actively monitor all customer health and safety concerns, including damp and mould.

This year we...

Kept our record of completing...

... all annual gas safety checks at customers homes.

0 % homes certified gas safe.

Carried out fire risk assessments...

...in all properties with a communal area.

0 homes

Tackled all reports...

...of damp and mould within...

0 days

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