Everyone at Futures is committed to doing our very best to help our customers and communities. Whether they are cutting the grass, getting new development schemes off the ground, counting the pennies or fixing computers, their work makes a positive difference. 

Even with such committed people and diverse skills in our teams there are still many more people and organisations that play a major part in our work. They include our suppliers who ensure that our maintenance teams can get the parts and equipment they need to take care of customers' homes. They include local authorities who work closely with us to ensure that those people in most need of affordable housing get access to our homes. They include our funders who provide us with the finances we need to deliver our plans. And they include countless individuals who all support our work and our aims.

While we've really focused in on engaging with and supporting communities, we have our own community of support who help us make things happen. We want to say a huge thank you to each and every one!

This year we...

Installed an environmentally friendly bench...

... from TDP, made out of...

0 bottle tops

Received donated materials...

... from Travis Perkins to build...

0 mini mud kitchens

Had generous support from suppliers...

... to help charity Salcare, which has been supporting the community for...

0 years

Find out more...

Join forces with Futures...

We've got some amazing friends and supporters but there's always scope to do even more. If you want to get on-board and help us to support people and communities across the East Midlands we'd love to hear from you. 

Click here to find out about becoming a partner with Futures